
Grace for Yourself- 5 Ways to Help End Mom Guilt

Posted on May 17, 2016 by Alison S. | 0 comments

In part one of three in my "Growing in Grace" series, we will tackle "Mom Guilt" and how to stop it. 


“Behind every great kid is a mom who’s afraid she’s messing up.”

There are a million things we can feel guilty about (birth, how our babies are fed, working or not working, giving attention, keeping house, being a wife and mom, etc.). Like I tell my kids, "Just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD." As a loving mom, it can be easy to allow that love to translate into guilt over missing the mark. But this needs to stop! 


If you have been a mom, for even a moment, you have likely encountered what I call “Mom Guilt.” A tricky little (lying) voice that immediately seems to negate all good and purposeful things we have done. It can be very easy, but damaging, to say those three little words: I should have. 

Sometimes we are our own worst critics. Add to that the pressures, and even well meaning statements, from the world, and we can end up a mess of guilt and disappointment! The guilt can lead to disconnection, anger, and keeps us from confidence and joy.

I have a preteen. He was very surprised to learn that I, in fact, did not receive instruction on how to raise him when he was born! (Wouldn’t that have been nice?) Most of the time, I didn’t know how to nurture his unique personality, needs, desires, gifts, until I was experiencing it along with him. On occasion he tells us, “Don’t worry. I know you are learning along with me.” That’s right! Sometimes, oftentimes, I AM learning as I go. And that’s okay. Other times, you don’t know what you don’t know. And that’s okay, too. 

We can choose to walk in guilt or, instead, we can let grace (unmerited favor- which means we don't have to earn it) be our guide as we walk out this journey as mommies. Be confident knowing you are making the best decisions for the best outcomes in that situation at that time in your life!

Here are five ways to help stop “Mom Guilt”:

1. Recognize when you feel the “Mom Guilt” coming on- If you can catch yourself feeling “Mom Guilt” and the feelings associated with it, you can start taking steps to curb it. Allow yourself any feelings that rise up, and give grace to yourself. Ask for help if these feelings keep you from daily activities.

2. Write it down- Do you have an “ideal mommy” version of yourself in your head and are constantly comparing real life to this version? How often do you reflect on the many amazing, thoughtful, and important things you are doing or have done for yourself and your family? Write down all the things you can think you have done or said that encouraged, helped, nurtured, supported, etc. yourself and your family. Admire and recognize all the hard work and effort you put in! Be sure to add things and re-read this list often.

3. Talk to other moms- Sometimes a group of mommies can really help free you as you realize others have similar struggles and make similar choices. Empower each other! Tell each other often, “You are a GREAT mom!”

4. Take time for yourself- This is easier said than done, but even a few minutes to yourself can help so much. Maybe you find yourself thinking that your own needs are less significant compared to the needs of those in your care. Find something you love doing; and do it! Read, take a walk, exercise, take a long bath, paint or draw, etc. Showing your friends and families that you value yourself can let them know it’s okay for them to value themselves. When you are refreshed it will be easier to give!

5. Mirror messages of truth- There is real research that says if we see, and speak aloud, positive messages we are more likely to believe them. Write down some truths about yourself on your bathroom mirror or as a screen saver on your phone. Say them aloud and let them speak to your heart! 

Let's work to #EndMomGuilt in our hearts and minds. Let's empower ourselves and each other, and let's give ourselves loads of GRACE along the way.  

What do you feel "Mom Guilt" over and what things do you think you will try to curb it?


Our New BuggBlog Blogger : Alison S.

Posted on May 09, 2016 by Alison S. | 0 comments

Alison S. Photo







Hello! I’m Alison, a thirty-something mother to two heaven-side babies and three delicious children earth-side: Zane (10), Asher (5), and Ivy Kate (1). My amazing husband, Cratin, and our little family live in the Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas area.

 Our journey began 15 years ago when Cratin and I met while at Baylor University. Cratin was studying Radio, TV, Film and I was a Theatre Performance major. We actually met in a summer class Cratin was required to take at Baylor, but since I was still in my junior year, I dropped the class after three short days and took it somewhere else. Three days, and we didn’t even meet until the last day. Phew! We both held multiple jobs while attending school, but still found time to watch zillions of movies and eat lots of Chinese food together. It wasn’t long before we both realized that God had brought us together. One year later, on top of the Empire State Building in NYC, Cratin got on one knee and proposed. The following year we were married!

We were married just shy of a year and a half and, SURPRISE! we were expecting a baby boy. We rode the emotional rollercoaster that is a new parent’s first gift, and settled on elated terror. Ha! Thankfully God’s grace covers us and we have grown up as parents along with him. Our next two babies were given back to God before we had the chance to meet them. We look forward to the day we are reunited. Asher Reed was born nearly six years after Zane and has made his presence known (loud and proud) since he arrived on the scene. Ivy Kate was born a little over one year ago and already has all of us, dog included (his name is Baylor), wrapped around her little, precious fingers.

Shortly after graduating from Baylor I felt God leading me to pursue a career as an educator. I went back for my certification and then taught in public school for six years. I was able to stay home a bit when Asher was a baby before teaching at a private school for two years. I am currently enjoying teaching my kids from home while helping run our own business. Cratin and I own a video production company specializing in motion graphics and other video needs for companies, churches, and individuals around the nation.

After 13 years of marriage and three kids, I have a lot to say on motherhood and marriage: mostly about how we can give ourselves and others grace and encouragement as we navigate our own journeys. I am thrilled to be the newest member of the SnuggBugg BuggBlog team!


Posted on May 02, 2016 by Lisa R. | 0 comments

SnuggBugg Supports Camp Firefly

Posted on November 09, 2015 by Lisa R. | 0 comments

Camp Firefly Logo

Snuggbugg is delighted to announce that we are now donating a portion of our profits from the sale of our SnuggBugg baby product line to Kirk Cameron’s charity, Camp Firefly.

Fresh from the heady success of being voted the best baby wrap of 2015, we decided that it was imperative that we start giving back to the community, to the people from whom we have received boundless love and support. Whereas we practice charity in our daily lives, we made a decision as a company to formally partner with a charity for a cause that spoke to us. It was a difficult choice but, ultimately, not so difficult to choose Kirk Cameron’s charity, Camp Firefly.

For those unfamiliar with this wonderful brainchild of the star of the hit TV comedy, Growing Pains, the now husband-and-wife team of Kirk and Chelsea Cameron, it is a camp dedicated to giving terminally-ill children and their families a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the holiday getaway of their dreams. The camp is unique in that it focuses not just on the children, but also the moms and dads who throw everything they have got into caring for and ensuring whatever happiness they can for their children.

The camp is located just outside Atlanta, in the south of Georgia, in an area surrounded by beautiful, serene pine mountains. Accommodation is arranged in privately-owned villas on 13,000 acres of land. The grounds include a 3,000-acre wilderness preserve, an Azalea garden, biking and hiking trails, fishing lakes and a 36-hole golf course. 65-acre Robin Lake is surrounded by Robin lake Beach, the world’s largest artificial white-sand beach.

Camp Firefly provides a week-long, all expenses paid, fun-filled retreat for the struggling families. It is a rare opportunity to get time away from the everyday pressures of medication, medical treatments, hospitals and financial worries and to spend quality time with each other and other similar families who understand their challenges. It is also a time to replenish their supply of friendships and faith.

It is an opportunity for husbands and wives to reconnect and rediscover the spark that brought them together, to see each other clearly again when the fog of constant pressure is lifted. Kids, sick and well, get an opportunity to rejuvenate, connect with others their age and have fun in a wholesome, safe environment under constant supervision. It is the perfect time to discover God’s strength and the part He plays in our lives.

There are ‘theme’ days where Camp Firefly organizes events like a Mexican fiesta, a Hawaiian luau, a country BBQ or an African drum party. Night time is for square dances, marshmallows, swimming and looking at fireflies and stars. Everyone who wants can participate in sing-a-longs, s’mores around the campfire and bike rides along picturesque trails. One day is set aside for the families to connect with other families, so mums get makeovers, dads have the golf course to themselves and the kids, well, Camp Firefly lets them have the run of the roost while fully supervised.

SnuggBugg is grateful to Camp Firefly for giving us the privilege of being a part of this wonderful experience for those in need. How meaningful it is for them, for us it is even more.

Mother of 6 Goes From Idea to #1 New Release on Amazon in Less Than 40 Days

Posted on June 14, 2015 by Lisa R. | 0 comments

Every mom looking for a more comfortable way to carry their baby has just been offered an opportunity to acquire a unique baby wrap. This is thanks to a recent announcement made by SnuggBugg – a company dedicated to producing baby wraps which are both child and mom-friendly. SnuggBugg recently announced the launch of its debut baby wrap – the SnuggBugg Baby Wrap.Lisa Baby Wrap

The SnuggBugg Baby Wrap is patterned after the popular Moby wrap. However, it is specifically crafted to be lighter, easier to use, more durable and far more comfortable for both mom and baby.

What gives it these attributes are a combination of an ingenious design and unique fabric.
The SnuggBugg Baby Wrap is made out of a fabric which consists of 95% cotton and 5% spandex. This offers two advantages. First of all, it gives the baby wrap more stretch. This makes it wrap snugly around the body of the infant – thus making them more comfortable. It also lessens the weight on the back of the mother – thus making the mother more comfortable.

The extra stretch also means that the SnuggBugg is much shorter and lighter than the Moby wrap (which is made of 100% cotton). This makes the SnuggBugg much cooler than the Moby (users of the Moby often complain that it becomes uncomfortably hot especially when used in the summer months). The coolness further adds to the comfort of both baby and mother. The stretch also makes the SnuggBugg Baby Wrap more durable than its Moby-counterpart.

The baby wrap features a unique, single-piece design which requires no buckles. This makes it easy to use and user friendly for both baby and mother. Baby carrier buckles are known to irritate babies by pressing against their tender skin. The snapping sound is also startling to some babies. The absence of such irritations makes The SnuggBugg baby wrap all the more comfortable.

Amazon Baby Wrap PageAccording to sources at SnuggBugg, the baby wrap was designed by a mother of 6 who was looking for a more comfy way to wrap her baby close to her, while leaving her arms free to attend to her other children. As such, it meets the specific needs of moms, a fact which has made it increasingly popular with parents. Within just 45 days of release, it has become the number one New Release on Amazon in the Child Career Slings category. Many moms are giving glowing reviews on the SnuggBugg Baby Wrap, all of which can be read on its Amazon product page: http://bit.ly/baby-wrap2

Ultimately, the SnuggBugg Baby Wrap is the perfect solution for a mom who is looking for a simple, easy-to-use, comfy and durable option for carrying their baby. The baby wrap is available in gray – a color which makes it blend perfectly with any color the mom wears. If you want to find out more, or make a purchase, you can visit SnuggBugg’s website: http://bit.ly/snuggbugg-shop

What's in a Name?

Posted on May 15, 2015 by Lisa R. | 0 comments

SnuggBugg Logo“How did you come up with that name?”
We get asked this all the time. The story is actually pretty cute.
As our children came into their toddler years getting tucked in at night was a huge help in getting them to sleep (we all know how much children love to go to bed, right?). We also knew that one of the most important things we could do as parents was to create memories our children could take with them for the rest of their lives. So to create memories and help with tucking them in at night we created the SnuggBugg routine.

Every night our children go through their evening routine of getting jammies on, putting their dirty clothes from the day in the hamper, brushing their teeth, etc. Then they climb into bed and wait (sometimes quite rambunctiously), until I come in. I say their prayers with them, then I wedge their blankets underneath them reeeaaaalllll tight, starting at their shoulders and going all the way down to their toes. As I do this I tell them, “Snugg as a Bugg in a rug.” They can’t get enough of it. And they know, once you’ve been snuggbugged there’s no getting out of bed.

However small this might seem, it is definitely something they will remember forever, take with them into their families, and cherish for life.

We love the idea so much, we wanted to share it with you, and create family friendly products that help you and your family build wonderful memories.?

Welcome to SnuggBugg, it is a pleasure to have you with us.